Thursday, May 7, 2009


pastel on paper 9x12-ish

Well I've been avoiding my blog for a couple weeks, but wanted to post something while I'm working on another piece. So here is one of my older paintings. It's always been one of my favorites although I'm sure the composition would bother some people.
Haybales are a nice thing to paint, all big and round, although I do sometimes miss the square ones.


  1. Very nice, Jean! I love the colors and the realistic look of the tree. I like that you paint subjects that are somewhat ordinary and give them new life. Like you are asking people to see something from a new perspective.

  2. By the way...that comment about your subjects being ordinary was meant to be a compliment. Just in case you might be wondering! :)

  3. I like the distinct stepping back into space in the one...and the trees' edges back there are wonderful.

  4. So calm and peaceful. Love the painting on your blog beneath this one as well!

  5. So calm and peaceful. Love the painting beneath this one on your blog, too.
